Welcome to JCS!
As of October 19, 2018, the JCS website has been shut down. I had neglected it for about two years, and now that I've made a new website for my electronic repair business Crasno Electronics, there is no longer a need for the JCS site. The equipment articles will all be re-uploaded (with improvements) to the Crasno site, with new articles being published with higher regularity. The musical and nusical releases can still be found here and here, except for the Zengines album, since the ReverbNation page was shut down. The only section that will be completely lost is "Reel Finds", since it was just not very interesting.
I still have the site data as it was before shutdown, so if you want a copy of any pages, or have comments, contact me. Lastly, thanks to my friend Noah for hosting the site for years here on deadmau6.com, and for helping me set up the new Crasno site!
Jesse Acorn